
The Kids Wanna Help® Lemonade Brigade® is a very interactive fundraiser that gets kids involved in fundraising at all levels.  A Young Business Owner Workshop for boys and girls kicks off the summer Lemonade Brigade® by teaching kids how to start their own businesses and then how to run them successfully. The kids use these skills to run their own lemonade stands over the summer and raise money for charities that are important to them.  More

The Kids Wanna Help® Fashion Show is our annual fall fundraiser for pediatric leukemia.  The pre-Fashion Show Workshop is an all day event that prepares the girls to model and offers them guidance on a variety of topics such as choosing the colors that look best on them, how to take care of their skin, dressing modestly and fashionable, the importance of exercise and a healthy diet, approaching life with confidence, resisting peer pressure and why giving back to their community is so important. More

The Louisiana Youth Leadership Initiative (LYLI or The INITIATIVE) is a resource and a think tank for high school students who have started, plan to start, or currently run INITIATIVES. High school students are invited to join as in‐state members or out‐of‐state members. More